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Antique, Vintage, Retro and contemporary pieces with a focus on art, objects, Home-wares, Jewellery and Fashion carefully curated by Accessory Emergency. Eclecticism is at the fore front and love to combine delft along side a hyper modern Karim Rashid objet d'art, and hope to inspire the end to seasonal throw away culture of wholesale style replacement.

Sustainably Sourced in Melbourne Australia

Brutalist modernist ring sterling silver with malachite cabochon, by MIR or MIRO ?

Mid-Century Modern Jewelry
Modernist Ring
Modernist Jewellery
Brutalist Ring
Brutalist Ring
Mid-Century Modern Jewelry
Modernist Ring
Modernist Jewellery
Brutalist Ring
Brutalist Ring

Brutalist modernist ring sterling silver with malachite cabochon, by MIR or MIRO ?


Beautiful statement vintage Brutalist, or modernist sterling silver ring design, highly sought after, a unique and bold example of the style, sterling silver with a cabochon malachite feature stone. Insignia reads MIR or MIRO. The malachite does have hairline cracks that is indicative the age of the piece but does not detract from the aesthetic. Very solid piece with no light-weighting in this piece , almost 40 grams of silver weight, this is not a modern take on Brutalist, it is original and of the period. Will fit size N-O. Plenty of bulk to resize and open up and make larger, ask your jeweler to assist or arrange through accessory emergency.

Please don’t ask about the Vintage Moroccan Zanere rug pictured with the ring, it is not for sale, sorry, not sorry!

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