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MINIMAL PACK - 12 Inserts - 4 colours of your own customization

statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts
Mondri insert diagram  2.png
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts
Mondri insert diagram  2.png

MINIMAL PACK - 12 Inserts - 4 colours of your own customization


Minimal Pack includes your choice of 12 custom inserts and 4 block colours, with a matte finish to fit either the Mimof Cubika or Mondri Only one neckpieces. Don't have one yet ? simply add a neckpiece to your order. 

The 12 pack will just add some little pops of colour nothing to hectic. 

This is your customisation so have fun and follow a few simple instructions to get started. 

 Step 1 - Make your insert selections by assigning each insert with a location # and  a colour selection using the Mondri inserts diagram and colour chart, can be any colour or insert location. Record your specifications in a word or note document for example.

33, 35, 98 = E3  ect ... creating a list,  these lists can get a little long but just remember you'll end up with something unique for you and only you.

Step 2 - Go through the order process as normal

Step 3 -  Enter Details of your specifications from the saved note word doc when requested. 

We will be in contact to re confirm details of your order. 

I know it's super serious with all the diagrams , but don't worry we do all the hard work by making these handmade little nuggets of colour, this usually takes 4-6 working days from confirmation of your order details. 





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