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Mondri choker length to long Edition Cool Grey Satin #54212

Statement Neckpiece
Bold Neckpiece
Geometric Jewelry
Modernist Jewelry Design
Made In Melbourne Australia
Statement Choker
Statement Neckpiece
Bold Neckpiece
Geometric Jewelry
Modernist Jewelry Design
Made In Melbourne Australia
Statement Choker

Mondri choker length to long Edition Cool Grey Satin #54212



Mondri choker length to long Edition Cool Grey Satin #54212 a little nod to Piet Mondrian’s pivotal modernist crisp geometries through the Accessory Emergency filter.

Cool grey satin finished silicone is brings colors to life or dial it back and wear without inserts for a minimal look.

Choker length to longer length Flexible silicone neck-piece with custom hand crafted polymer clay inserts , the length of this piece is fully adjustable with dynamic integrated closure nodules creating clean and comfortable adjust-ability.

The cast silicone is skin safe bio-compatible, satin finished with a modular adjustable length enclosures, and hand crafted inserts that can be worn with the piece or removed for a minimal look. Change it with custom insert packs later on.

Only one of this color configuration available. This is a customized piece and never to be repeated. Edition Cool Grey Satin #54212

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