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Orange Radiate Hoop Earrings


Orange Radiate Hoop Earrings

Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings, Made in Australia Jewellery,  3D Printed Jewellery
Bold Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings, Made in Australia Jewellery,  3D Printed Jewellery, Statement Hoops, Hoop Earrings
Hero Hoop Earrings, Bold Hoop Earrings, Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,  3D Printed Jewellery
Hero Hoop Earrings, Bold Hoop Earrings, Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,  3D Printed Jewellery
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings, Made in Australia Jewellery,  3D Printed Jewellery
Bold Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings, Made in Australia Jewellery,  3D Printed Jewellery, Statement Hoops, Hoop Earrings
Hero Hoop Earrings, Bold Hoop Earrings, Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,  3D Printed Jewellery
Hero Hoop Earrings, Bold Hoop Earrings, Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,  3D Printed Jewellery

Orange Radiate Hoop Earrings


Orange Radiate Hoops Bold Earrings made in Melbourne from Sustainably sources ABS, 12 cm DIA, Statement Proportions, One off prototypes. We recommend wearing double silicone studs (provided) as these are bold and big.

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