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Ra Neckpiece

statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts
statement neckpiece , colour pop , bright jewellery , summer jewellery , melbourne design, unique gifts, ethical design, recycled fashion
sold out

Ra Neckpiece

Sale Price:A$32.00 Original Price:A$58.00

Handmade Piece , Studio sample and never to be repeated.

Reclaimed cotton drill backing end of roll, with Japanese embroidery threads.

Statement proportions , washable design gentle care, do not tumble dry , can be ironed on cool, we reccommed a steam setting with protective fabric placed over the top for best results after washing.

Waxed cotton shoelace style adjustable closure.

Made in Melbourne Australia

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