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Melbourne design label Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, general rants

Melbourne design label, Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, melbourne design markets, design process.

Spring has sprung and i am messing around with some experimental lighting installations

Sarah Cole

I love indulging in a little of the beaten path experimentation. The following designs are completely accidental, and i’m not sure where this is headed but i look forward to the unfolding effect.

These lighting installations have been printed in a wafer thin congregation’s (0.4 mm wall sections) this gives them a light and crispy feel and beautiful light diffusion. The origins of the process is 3d printing, and this is actually support structure from another design salvaged from the process, this is normally discarded as a waste product of 3D printing, when i removed these little support wafers i knew they were destined for greater things. Printed in irresistibly subtle pink PLA a plant based printing filament by Bambu Labs called PLA Pink Glow (yes it does glow in the dark). My natural response was to start messing around with them under my numerous light sources and i was delighted by the results, and incidentally have the perfect spring energy.

Initial play time under raw bulb exposure, hidden behind the digital SLS Twigs (a different type of 3d printing called selective laser sintering), and using stands made from the colour and layer swatch that is printed on a multi material print on the Bambu X1 carbon 3d printer.

Final arrangement, the light source is a halogen globe under a large vintage spherical milk glass light shade.

Giving beautiful Showa Retro Japan vibes. Cherry Blossom is in full effect at the moment in Victoria, such a fragile and dramatic moment. Blossoms only for a limited time, NOW!!!

Finally experiencing the glowing decay of the pink PLA, there are no interior light sources, just a little bit of ambient street light, everything else is coming from the glow in dark material. Just gorgeous and for anyone with the Bambu Lab Printer, here is a link to the product page

Bambu Lab PLA Glow