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Tria to Hex Bangle - High Resolution 3D Print

3d printed Jewelery
Jewelry Made In Australia, High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbourne Design, Geometric, Futuristic Fashion,  Silicone ,  Geometric Jewellery
High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbourne Design, Geometric, Futuristic Fashion,  Silicone Jewellery,  Geometric Jewellery
Archietectural Fashion, High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbourne Design, Geometric, Futuristic Fashion,  Chunky Bangle,  Geometric
High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbour ne Design, Geometric Bangle, Futuristic Fashion,   Chunky Bangle,   Geometric Jewellery
3d printed Jewelery
Jewelry Made In Australia, High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbourne Design, Geometric, Futuristic Fashion,  Silicone ,  Geometric Jewellery
High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbourne Design, Geometric, Futuristic Fashion,  Silicone Jewellery,  Geometric Jewellery
Archietectural Fashion, High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbourne Design, Geometric, Futuristic Fashion,  Chunky Bangle,  Geometric
High Resolution 3d Print, 3d printed Jewelery, Statement Jewelry, Melbourne Fashion Design, Melbour ne Design, Geometric Bangle, Futuristic Fashion,   Chunky Bangle,   Geometric Jewellery
sold out

Tria to Hex Bangle - High Resolution 3D Print


Complex geometric design, naturally black resin made in strictly limited numbers. This new technique utilizes state of the art DLP technology to create stunning satin smoothness with not laminar evidence observed in some other 3d print techniques , it’s a new generation technology and material that is refined and durable.

Displaying the true beauty inherent in engineering and architectural design, re-approriated for your wrist.

Bold statement proportions have never been so easy to wear. Durable materials bring these pieces to life in materials previously only thought of as specialist engineering materials and technology enabling beautiful intricacies and strength in a light and elegant statement bangle.

Bangle size is small to medium 64mm in Diameter ( or 2.51 inches )

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