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No Face White 3D Printed Earrings


No Face White 3D Printed Earrings

bold geometric earrings
Resin Earrings, Lucite Earrings, Polymer Earrings
Made in Australia Jewellery, Modern Primitive Style Jewellery, 3D Printed Jewellery, 3D Printed Earrings
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings, Made in Australia Jewellery,  3D Printed Jewellery
bold geometric earrings
Resin Earrings, Lucite Earrings, Polymer Earrings
Made in Australia Jewellery, Modern Primitive Style Jewellery, 3D Printed Jewellery, 3D Printed Earrings
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings,
Bold Earrings, Art Deco Style Earrings, Statement Jewellery, Statement Earrings, Geometric Earrings, Statement Earrings, Made in Australia Jewellery,  3D Printed Jewellery

No Face White 3D Printed Earrings


Statement proportion earrings with a bold geometric design leveraging 8bit ziggurat motifs creating modern primitive aesthetic. At the Centre of the design some “no face” inspired Eyes reminding us to have fun but not be too greedy. A one off design, 3d printed in sustainably sourced white ABS, with stainless steel hypoallergenic posts and back, with safety silicone back. Even though these earings are lightweight we recommend wearing to backs (provided) for safety given the statement sizing.

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Dimensions: 96mm Length, 35mm Width, Thickness 4mm.

Feeling cheeky, add a secret spoon to the spoon holder.